IntershapeCommunity Intershape |  Amanda move winnerAmanda and the club are winners. |  Fun workoutPartying and toning |
 Rachel and her classAnother great workout with Ruthless Rach |  18557375_1451225728267597_8751838228618214188_n.jpg |  Boogie BabiesMum and baby classes in full SWING! |
 19702325_1498899700166866_5589071838541090754_n.jpg |  Mum and babiesClass outing, friends made,babies enjoying themselves |  Awards with valued customersOur customers make our club |
 Step class DinningtonStep at it's best |  fitness classes RotheramMore fun in an evening class |  Team intershapeCommunity at it's best |
 Mum and baby PilatesMum and baby Pilates, a great workout in Dinnington, Rotheram |  14595753_1224380094285496_6659236732744884934_n.jpg |  Mum and baby classes RotherhamMum and baby classes are a greatway to meet other yummy mummies! |
 Enjoying Halloween Intershape styleFun is always had at Intershape |  We have a great time at Intershapeeveryone is allowed a little treat |  Amanda's Christmas SpinSpin to Christmas music...amazing |
 18557210_1451225871600916_2070052099403018815_n.jpg |  18700275_1451225774934259_1837164167192095728_n.jpg |  Easter at IntershapeWe have a great time |
 Awards for fitnessMore friendships |  coms 5.jpg |  coms3.jpg |